What keeps your house from falling down? If you said a strong foundation, you’re correct. Your smile isn’t that much different. Teeth require the foundation of healthy gum tissue and strong bone structure. And if a tooth is missing, then a dental implant must also have the support of healthy bone. That’s why you may need bone graft surgery prior to receiving dental implants in Allen.
After an implant is set in your jaw, the slow process of osseointegration begins. Over the course of several months, the implanted post fuses with the surrounding bone tissue. However, if you don’t have enough healthy bone, then osseointegration can fail. X-rays will show whether or not your jaw has sufficient bone volume to support an implant. If not, then a bone graft procedure may be recommended.
Patients lose bone density and volume for several reasons. The most likely cause is tooth loss. When a tooth is missing, the root is gone, too. That root stimulated your jawbone, encouraging blood flow for nutrients and healthy new tissue growth. Without that tooth, those nutrients are sent to other parts of the body and your jaw may begin to degenerate and shrink.
Another reason is advanced periodontal disease, which can weaken and destroy bone and gum tissue. In this case, gum disease treatment as well as bone graft for root coverage will be required before beginning the process of placing dental implants.
To add bone volume, a small section of healthy bone from another location on the body or a special bone grafting material is surgically added to the weakened spot. If you need a bone graft procedure to secure missing top molars, this is called a sinus lift. A small incision is made in your sinus and healthy bone is added to ensure a solid footing for your dental implants.
In some cases, bone graft surgery can be completed on the same day that you receive your dental implants. However, if there has been significant bone loss, then some time may be required for you to heal. Once the recovery process is complete, dental implants are put in place and you have a healthy and beautiful smile.
If you have questions about bone graft surgery or dental implants, schedule a consultation with a periodontist in Allen.